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6 Books That Helped Drastically Change My Life

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There are 6 books that transformed and helped drastically change my life. My spiritual life has changed, and so has my financial life. I can look back less than 10 years ago and see that I’m not the same person living in that same old dusty mindset I once lived in. The shift in my overall psychology wrote a whole new chapter in my life that I never imagined would be part of my story. I recognize this transformation and know that it had a lot to do with the books and resources I allowed to pour life into this new me.

Below is a list of 6 books that have touched my soul or made my journey more focused and fruitful. I own and have read all of them. Each has had an impact on me in one way or another. Sometimes, you’re not initially fond of a book, then later on in your growing maturity, you realize it still affected you in a positive and life-changing way. That’s why reading is so important. It’s infinite fuel for life’s trajectory.

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Even though I love the smell and feel of physical books, sometimes a digital or audiobook is the better choice. Some of these books are available for free if you subscribe to Kindle Unlimited or if you subscribe to Audible Plus for audiobooks.

I love to recommend a book if my feelings about it are intense enough to spark an intellectual dialogue. I’m always open to the opportunity to explore a different take on things and possibly change my opinion. So please feel free to share yours.

The Happiness Equation

The Happiness Equation” by Neil Pasricha – This book is epic! 🏆 It changed the way I move through my days. I got it as an audiobook and I listen to it whenever I need a reminder not to let anything shake me or lead me away from my own personal happiness. It provides you with methods for recognizing when your thoughts are creating stress or tension as well as solutions for how to bring yourself back and to a better place.

You can create your happy place on your own—and still remain grateful for the amazing things you already have.

The Richest Man in Babylon

The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason – I wasn’t sure how I would feel about this book because it’s such an old story. I didn’t think it would age well and still be relevant or translate to my situation, but it did. It’s literally financial wealth foundation 101, but with some literary gems in there that hold your attention. One line in the book had me rolling. When the rich man, Algamish, called Arkad a ‘dullard‘ for squandering his earnings and saving nothing, I nearly passed out from laughing. I couldn’t stop. It wasn’t the audiobook version, but it still felt like I could hear him actually saying it. I’m dying just thinking about it again. It’s a must-read.

If you haven’t started your financial journey, start here. It’s so on point for foundational financial growth and sometimes it’s also hilarious. 😂

The Tao Te Ching

The Tao Te Ching” by Lau Tzu – This magical, mystical book started me on my journey to a less-stressful spiritually enriched life. It’s part of the inspiration behind one of my poems; “The Want Knot“. Being content with what you already have keeps you from being tied to want. It’s ok to want things, but not to the detriment of your mental, spiritual, and physical health. It was a bit of a difficult read for me. I have little interpretation Post-its throughout the book, but I absolutely cherish it and go back to it often when I think I have lost my way. It really did change my life on a spiritual level.

My copy is now so tattered and worn that I needed to get a new one. I was surprised I was able to find a copy of the exact one I have. I originally purchased it as part of a 5 book series called “Mystical Classics of the World” from the Quality Paperback Book Club. It was translated by Victor H. Mair . I also ended up getting a Kindle Version of “The Tao Te Ching. It’s not the same as my paperback one but with the ebook, I will have one that will always be in my bag to take anywhere I go. I value the paperback one so much that I ended up ordering a backup copy.

Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success

Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success” by Steve Harvey – This book showed me the power of perseverance. Getting knocked down doesn’t mean you have to stay down. Steve has a down-home way of describing things that made me feel comfortable. He felt like grandpa’s Sunday morning musings.

This book gave me hope and helped solidify that my firm stance on integrity is valid and does not automatically jeopardize success. Thank you, Steve.

F.U. Money

F.U. Money” by Dan Lok – I wasn’t sure about this book because of the title, but it was the title that also made me curious. The audiobook version was recommended to me. I completely love when certain authors do the narration for their own books. You feel like the author is having a personal conversation across the table from you over tea with toast and marmalade. I totally resonate with Dan Lok’s approach to teaching wealth building. Some people need that slap in the face, tough-love training to get them off their asses and stepping into high gear. Dan is the one for that. I have post-it notes with his quotes on my goals board.

This book definitely made an impact on me and how I navigated my financial journey.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki – This one was exceptionally hard for me. I took it to heart. I was so angry at the beginning of the book because all I could see was that he was mistreating the poor dad so much. It felt disrespectful, ungrateful, and unloving. But then I realized how judgmental that was. “Judge not, least ye be judged.” That’s not what this book is about so I had to recognize my internal response purely as judgment and take a step back. You can take lessons from anyone and anything—even if you don’t agree with or accept all of what they are saying.

I’m glad I continued to read the book because I got so much wealth out of it. This is a book about mindset and will. What you learn here are some of the necessary components for financial success. I also appreciate that it was a quick reminder to check my judgment at the door.

I only endorse products I’ve used, tested, and benefitted from. If you have read any of these books, please feel free to share your take or takeaway. Also, if you have any recommendations, they are all welcome.
Let’s get a literary dialog going.

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